All expenses > Deduct your parking costs

Deduct your parking costs

Tax audit risk

Easiness to justify
Average amount deducted€ 50-100 per weekFrequency3-4x per week
Deducted by74% of independentsRecommended by0% of independentsDo you deduct this expense?Would you recommend this expense?

You can easily deduct your parking costs as an independent in Belgium, as long as you parked for a professional activity. For instance, when you visited a trusted client, supplier, or prospect.

How much you can actually deduct depends on your vehicle

Tax authorities limit the deductibility of all car expenses based on their environmental impact: drive green and your parking will be even more deductible!

🚏 You deduct your car expenses, such as parking fees, based on its CO2 emissions.

For internal combustion and hybrid cars, the maximum deduction for your vehicle including parking is then given by the following rules:

  • Purchase before 1 July 2023: 120%- (0.5% x [coefficient] x CO2 )
  • From 1 July 2023: max 75%.
  • From 1 January 2026: max 50%.
  • From 1 January 2027: max 25%.
  • From 1 January 2028: 0%.

For fully electric cars, the maximum deduction for parking is higher and is calculated as follows:

  • From 1 January 2023: max 100%
  • From 1 January 2027: max 95% -> max 67.5% in 2031

What if I book a parking for someone else, e.g. a client ?

If you pay for a car park that you reserve for your suppliers and customers, you deduct it 100%.

Similarly, if you book a car park for your staff, you deduct it 100% only if the cars belong to the staff. If the employees park company cars there, you will deduct the parking according to the CO2 emissions of these cars.

🔨 A fine for a traffic infraction will never be deductible. However, if, instead of taking a parking ticket, you opt for the daily rate, it will not be considered a fine. It will be deductible.

Check those related expenses that you could deduct tomorrow ✨

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